Highly Effective. Easy to Use . fast way to deodorise your car interior.
It is a Air Con Bomb type of re-freshener.
To be used after cleaning air conditioning system with KLIMA DOKTOR
Designed to refresh the air conditioning system
Removes odours that arise from contaminants and moisture in the ventilation system.
The whole process takes no more than several minutes
Suitable for any type of air conditioning. It leaves a pleasant smell.
An efficient air conditioning system positively affects the comfort and increased safety.
It was found that the longer ride in an overheated car may result in an accident.
For efficient operation it is recommended to regularly. .once a year or every 15 thousand. km.change the air conditioning system’s cabin air filter
Unpleasant smells come from the air conditioning because bacteria and fungi are developing there.
That is not only unpleasant to smell but most important can cause allergies.
During the summer. in order to rapidly cool the heated interior
of the car must first open the windows and ventilate the car. then switch on the air conditioning.
If possible. park in the shade.
After turning off the air conditioning fan should stay on for a while.
Suitable for all types of Air Conditioning
Very Easy and Quick to use
How To Use
- Close all doors and windows
- Set a minimum temperature. fan on a maximum strength while
- Air Con set on recirculated air / internal circulation.
- Move the driver’s seat as far forward and recline it.
- Shake container well and leave it behind the driver’s seat.
- Press the spray. it should get locked in ‘ON’ position
- Get out of the car and close the door behind you.
- It should last for approx. 10 minutes.
- You can enter the car. Discard the old cartridge and ventilate the car before driving.
- Set Air Conditioning to External Circulation.
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