SONAX hand Paint Scratch Remover Set 2 Steps Polishing set 305941
Polishing set for manually removing localised scratches from paintwork top coats.
Through multi staged sanding and polishing processes. even deep scratches can be removed. provided that they have not penetrated into the base coat.
Directions for Use:
- first wash the areas to be treated with car shampoo. the scratch removal process involves 3 stages:
1 – Sanding down
- Depending on the depth of the scratch. it may be useful to sand down with abrasive paper.
- For this. slightly moisten one of the enclosed finely grained abrasive roses (P5000) and with slight pressure sand down. working at a right angle to the scratch. A matt area will emerge.
- It is not imperative to sand down until the scratch no longer appears. as too intensive treatment may penetrate into the base coat. It is preferable to go onto stage 2 (pre-polishing). if necessary. sanding down may be repeated.
2 – Pre-Polishing
- Apply Product 1 (POLISH) onto a new SONAX Polishing cloth or soft cloth and work in intensively on the sanded down area until no more traces of sanding are visible. A slight dullness will remain
- Wipe off polish residue
3 – Finish Polishing
- Apply Product 2 (FINISH) onto a new SONAX Polishing cloth or soft cloth and work in intensively on the pre-polished area until the desired surface shine is achieved.
- Wipe off polish residue.
Kit contains:
1 x 25ml Scratch remover
1 x 25ml Finishing Polish
1 x Applicator Pad
2 x P5000 sandpaper
1 x Polishing Cloth
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